RSPG Big Garden Birdwatch
Many of you, as already keen birdwatchers will be planning to participate in the RSPB BiG GARDEN BiRDWATCH this weekend, spending just one hour between Fri 24-Sun 26 January counting wild birds visiting your gardens. It is a great way to learn more about our wonderful wildlife. The Parish Council thought it would be interesting to find out how our local bird population are faring in these changing times and are encouraging residents to participate in this ‘Citizen science project. However the RSPB are only able to produce data by County, so as well as submitting your ‘count’ results to the RSPB, we are asking our residents to also send them through to along with your postcode, who will collate the data and publish the TOP TEN garden visitors in our next Parish Newsletter.
Many of you, as already keen birdwatchers will be planning to participate in the RSPB BiG GARDEN BiRDWATCH this weekend, spending just one hour between Fri 24-Sun 26 th January counting wild birds visiting your gardens. It is a great way to learn more about our wonderful wildlife. The Parish Council thought it would be interesting to find out how our local bird population are faring in these changing times and are encouraging residents to participate in this ‘Citizen science project. However the RSPB are only able to produce data by County, so as well as submitting your ‘count’ results to the RSPB, we are asking our residents to also send them through to along with your postcode, who will collate the data and publish the ‘TOP TEN’ garden visitors in our next Parish Newsletter. Alternatively, if you prefer you can drop your bird ‘list’ into the Lyppard HUB.
Who knows we may get a unexpected visitor!