Neighbourhood Matters 2

Pro-Active Patrols in Warndon Villages

Pro-Active Patrols in Warndon Villages

This report was submitted by PC Sly a member of our local policing team via Neighbourhood Matters alerts.

Despite the snow, I have tonight (Sat 4th Jan) conducted pro-active patrols around Warndon Villages into the very early hours due to reports of suspicious activity from unknown persons checking car doors and acting suspiciously in certain areas of the villages over the last week.

Fortunately, no illicit activity was identified and all vehicles encountered were legitimate.

I would like to take this opportunity to reassure residents that similar further patrols will be conducted throughout the winter and I ask that members of the public continue to report anything suspicious to the police so we can take action.

Always remember to lock your cars, do not leave any items on display and if you have CCTV or doorcams ensure they are operational, if able, to deter offending and capture any potential evidence.

Warndon SNT are here for you and can be contacted if you have any questions or concerns (please ensure all reporting of incidents is made to 101 or 999 where appropriate).

A very happy new year to you all,

Kind Regards,

PC 20380 SLY

(Police, PC, SNT Warndon)