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Worcester City Centre Transport Strategy – Survey

Have your say about the future of the city’s transport infrastructure!

The Worcester City Centre Transport Strategy will provide a framework for future transport provision and infrastructure for the city centre. This framework will address themes including accessibility for all modes of transport, traffic congestion, air quality, parking provision and the public realm.

SYSTRA is undertaking this survey on behalf of Worcester City Council. They would like to understand:

– The types of journeys you currently make into and through Worcester city centre, and whether you would like to travel differently in the future; and

– What you think about the experience of travelling into and through Worcester city centre, and what might improve your experience in the future.

Your views are very important, it will take just 10 mins to complete. Deadline for submission is April 10th.

Survey:  https://systraltd.researchfeedback.net/s/WCCTS