Welcome to the Warndon Parish Council website. Our aim is to provide information about the Parish Council, your Parish Councillors and access to various documents and information.
Warndon Parish Council consists of eight councillors who have a specific area of responsibility, Finance, Community & Leisure, Environment & Estate Management and Planning & Rights of Way. We employ a part-time Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer (a statutory post) of the council. The Councillors are volunteers from the parish whose job it is to represent the interests of the community. Councillor details and responsibilities are listed under Parish Councillors.
The Parish Council is supported by the District and City Councillors for the area.
From 2025 Warndon Parish Council meets at the Lyppard Hub, Ankerage Green at 7.00 p.m. on the second Monday of every month (except August), unless otherwise indicated.
The meeting Agenda always has an ‘Open Session’ when residents are welcome to attend. Your views are important to us. You will be invited by the Chair to raise any issues or ask questions, with each person being allocated 5 minutes. If you are unable to attend a meeting, then please direct your enquiry to the Clerk. Issues will be taken into account in the Open Session and will be responded to in the Minutes.
Dates and details of monthly meetings are published on this website, at least three days prior to the meeting being held (click on Agenda & Minutes tab) and can also be found on the Parish Noticeboard which is situated by the entrance to the Lyppard Hub.
We hope you find this website informative, useful and easy to navigate. We intend to add and develop it in the coming months. The Parish Council welcomes any suggestions from residents, so if there is anything you would like to see added, please contact the Clerk.